Running Facebook Promotions and Contests
For years, Facebook has said that promotions and contests had to be run through applications and not on timelines, or walls, as people used to call them. Companies were not allowed to ask someone to comment or like a picture or a post to be entered to win. However, that’s all changed.
Facebook announced it’d changed its terms to make it easier for businesses to make and run promotions on Facebook. They’re letting pages run contests and promotions on their timelines. According to Facebook, businesses can now collect entries by having someone comment, like, or post on a page or a post. They can collect entries by having the users message the page, and they can utilize the likes as a voting mechanism.
Businesses with Facebook pages have many more options now, and they can run a contest quickly by posting a photo or text and asking people to like or comment on that post. You can get a lot more engagement on your page by running contests.
Rules for Promotions and Contests
If you’re using Facebook to administer a promotion or communicate, you are responsible for the lawful operation of the promotion, including the official rules, the eligibility requirements and offer terms, compliance with regulations, and rules governing the promotion and prizes offered.
Choosing What Type of Contest to Run
If you’re wondering if the contest is going to work within Facebook’s rules, think about where the engagement is going to happen. If it’s directly on the page’s timeline or through the messaging app, then it’s probably alright. You can still use third-party apps to run contests.
Choosing What Type of Contest to Run
Overall, Facebook is one of the giants of the advertising world when it comes to social media marketing, and, they’re a great place to start. There are over a billion people you can impress on Facebook, as well as relatively inexpensive options for advertising your company’s page, posts, and contests. However, if Facebook isn’t where you’d like to start, then Twitter might be your next best bet.
The Secret Tips to Marketing on Twitter
There are 974 million users on Twitter; however, only 241 million people log on once a month. Compared to Facebook’s statistics, it might seem like Twitter wouldn’t be the best place to start. However, statistics reported by CNN suggest a majority of the people who are logging onto Twitter are seeking information and not entertainment, which means businesses can easily attract the attention of potential customers or clients looking for more information.