How can craft projects help the pre-primary children be creative and imaginative?

We know that Arts and crafts as a subject in the school curriculum are typically taken for granted as a must for children and young kids in the formal education setup. We know that there is no doubt that arts and crafts are fun activities for kids. Be it coloring with crayons as well as making miniature statues from clay, or maybe folding paper to create delicate origami or designing a handmade birthday card, we see that there are several arts and crafts activities, which can enhance the interest of the children as well as exploit their artistic potential at the same time. The learning management system can be used to check data of students who enjoy crafts in the respective periods in the classroom. We see that when young students participate in crafts and other activities, the development of fine motor skills takes place. We know that since most arts and crafts activities consist of moving fingers and hands, they help in developing fine motor skills in young students as well. We are aware that simple actions like holding a paintbrush and coloring with pencils help strengthen muscles as well as improve their control. We also see that enhances dexterity as well. We know that Arts and crafts activities can enhance the children’s dexterity as well as agility. We are aware that with the enhancement of fine motor skills as well as much practice, a child’s manual dexterity, artistic skills, and speed will also increase. It also helps in the improvement of hand-eye coordination as well. We are aware that engaging in activities related to arts and crafts from a very young age leads to a tremendous improvement in hand-eye coordination as well. We see that this will help a child during later primary school years when she or he is spacing out words or forming letters as well. We see that they can learn to appreciate art and culture as well. We know that through arts and crafts, children learn to value as well as appreciate artifacts and images across cultures and times. We are aware that the experience in design, art, as well as crafts, enables them to reflect critically on their work and those of others. We see that they learn to act and think like designers as well as artists, working intelligently and creatively. We see that they also learn about the preservation of heritage through art as well. We know that a lot of the information we have now about people that lived millions of years ago came solely from art as we have observed in the present time as well. We see that it also plays the role of enhancing self-expression as well. We see that by engaging in creative pursuits of music as well as arts and crafts, children get the opportunity of expressing themselves in a positive, tangible, and meaningful way. We know that students also learn to create artwork on their own as well. We see that it can also help in socializing at the same time. We know that participating, with other students in art class, gives children a chance to interact with others while sharing common interests as well. We see that the process of arts and crafts also strengthens parent-child bonding. At the same time, it works to boost confidence as well. We are aware that arts and craft activities help instill a sense of achievement and pride in children, boosting their self-confidence as well. The use of technology and the internet can also help them learn basic full forms such as erp full form as well. We see that it also sharpens skills of decision making as well. We know that a child will learn to make correct and effective decisions by facing as well as solving artistic challenges. We see that this helps to develop a problem-solving attitude, which in turn, will help them in the future as well. It can also enhance memory and visual learning at the same time. We see that a child learns about new colors as well as shapes through arts and crafts as well as gains familiarity with various figures and patterns.